Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CSN:Twin Beds

As most of you know by now, I am expecting our 2nd boy this October! Which brings up the question... how are we going to arrange the boy's room? I don't want to buy a brand new crib for Parker, so that leaves us in search of a bed for Caden! We've decided to look at twin beds, as it would be more economical for us, rather than buying a toddler bed now, and a big bed in a year or two.

I've done alot of internet research and have found that CSN offers a great assortment of twin beds! I can't believe the range of products that they offer!

I especially love this bed for my little boy:

Although this twin bed offers tons of underbed storage, which we'll need with all the cars, trains, dinosaurs, and balls we'll need to hide!

Thanks to CSN, I know what twin beds I'm drawn to for Mr. Caden!

Make sure to check out all of the other products they have in stock to match your needs!

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